May 23, 2010


We, medical students, have something called "clinical postings" everyday (starting from our second year in MBBS).....where we're supposed to attend OPDs (as observers), have case-discussions, learn minor clinical procedures and observe major ones, etc etc.... So, this was the first time we were posted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Whilst waiting for our Professor on the first day, curiosity got the better of me and I ventured near the labour room.....(as you shall find out later, CURIOSITY does KILL the cat!).....Lo behold! What a sight.....A single intern busy working on an episiotomy suture surrounded by a bevy of screeching ladies.....and the moment he saw me, he yelled out, "Hey you, get me another pack of Catgut". The look on his face said it all....I was the proverbial "bakra" (scapegoat)! Now all this suture material lingo was Greek to me at that time. So, I yelled back, "Sir, I am a second-year student"! Miffed, he replied, "Okay, do you know how to record a patients blood pressure....go and record that lady's BP". Now, this was something we were taught very well in the first year and I thought why not put it to good use here! So I went ahead and got the sphygmomanometer and got to the aforementioned "lady's" table. She was a hefty woman in her late twenties.....lying on her back with her legs spread wide open (almost a lithotomy position, in medical parlance). I went ahead and began tying the sphygmomanometer cuff to her right arm.....(I may have tied the cuff a tad too tight!).....she winced a little.....I didn't mind.....and went ahead and began inflating the cuff. I moved towards the leg-end of the labour table, unknowingly. Meanwhile just to comfort her a little, I asked her..... (AND NEVER EVER DO THIS TO A WOMAN IN LABOUR, even out of courtesy!) in Marathi (the local language there) "बाई, तुम्हाला त्रास होतोय का?".....loosely meaning, "Lady, are you in some sort of pain?".....What happened next, completely shook me!!!.....I don't know how, but she just KICKED me in the groin.....and asked, " आता सांग तुला त्रास होतोय का?" (Translation: Now tell me if you are in some sort of pain?).....Too taken aback and with an aching groin, I just got out of there that very moment, still trying to figure out what had happened exactly. On my way out though, I did notice a snicker on the interns face and a glistening look in his eyes (As though saying, take that you incompetent @$$).....
{ PS: (UN)FORTUNATELY......during my internship, I happened to see the aforementioned "lady" again (SECOND time in LABOUR, I guess!).....although, she didn't recognize me, I made a run for the nearest exit! }

AND that is also when I decided I am never gonna specialize in OBSTETRICS!!!
A lesson learnt the hard way!

1 comment:

  1. Hehehe.... lolzzz.... Oh vinay that is what medical is all about.. In fact many a times i have experienced it myself especially when you assess a patient and you want to know the pain level , the patient gives you that look as if they want us to actually feel their pain... huh??? They don't know we are simply trying to diagnose..Anyways , nice one .. actually i imagined the situation.. lolzzzz
